Thursday, June 12, 2008

Eight is Great!

Kent and I recently had our eighth anniversary, but we almost missed it. Our anniversary is on the 7th and on the 3rd it hit me! "In four days it's our anniversary!" I thought about not telling Kent and going out and getting him something great so he would feel really bad, but I decided that was mean since I really only remembered 4 days prior myself. We ended up staying in and watching some rented DVDs. I guess when you forget and then don't celebrate your anniversary you've either been married too long or getting old, or both! We're planning a post anniversary night out some time soon!
p.s. the 2nd song on my music list is the song we had our first dance to :)


Shane Meredith Mason and Kendall said...

CONGRATS! Im glad you have had a fun filled 8 years :) I love you both!

Brittany Williams said...

You are so beautiful Debbi!