Monday, June 9, 2008

Dancing Diva!

For almost the last year Gracie has been taking dance lessons at SAS dance. The class she was in was called Dancing Divas. She has gone back and forth about whether she enjoyed it or not. She stuck it out and last Friday she had her recital. Both her and Kent and I had a lot of fun. Maybe it's because I'm her mom, but I thought she did a really good job. It has been neat to see her work at something and improve over a long time period. Hopefully she will want to keep sticking with it.


Courtney said...

So good to hear from you. When I saw that your last post was from February I wasn't sure if you were doing the whole blogging thing anymore. You have a very nice looking family and you look just the same as when we were in H.S. It is always fun to run into people's blogs from H.S. to see what they are up to.

Shane Meredith Mason and Kendall said...

Again..glad to see you are alive :)
She is so cute and SUCH a mix of you guys! You look are TINY. Maybe I dont want to hang out with you :)

The Wiser Side said...

Gracie looks so cute. So how did you like SAS? Kennedy has outgrown her current class, but is beyond the basics, so we're now looking.
Love the new blog look!

The Regimballe Family said...

Oh, she looks so cute! It will be so fun putting Rylee in dance classes in a few years! Thanks for helping entertain Ryan. I'm so glad that he and Grant like playing together. You're a lifesaver!

Kim said...

Hey it is so good to hear from you! How is everyone? We really should try to get together sometime. It has been a long time!

Jamie and Tessa Gissel said...

Those are the best pictures. I can't wait until I can take my kids to activities.